Improvement of settlement calculations of building foundations by increasing the reliability of determining soil compressibility indices
settlement, method of layer-by-layer summing up, reliability, soil compression test, soil porosity coefficient, soil deformation modulus, soil compressibility index, anisotropyAbstract
Ways to improve the methods of calculating the foundations bases’ settlements by increasing the reliability of determining
the soil compressibility indices are substantiated. The complex approach to refinement of the buildings bases' settlements calculation
by the layer summation method is investigated by accounting for the soil deformation modulus variability in the full
pressure range perceived by the base at loading; soil strength coefficient βZ; soil deformation anisotropy by elastic orthotropic
model; tendencies to magnitude variation in the soil deformation modulus in depth of the body under the foundations and
within the artificial bases built with the soil compaction. There was also proved the possibility of increasing the accuracy of
the predicting method for the buildings' foundations base settling using the soil compression index and accounting for the
pressure effect on the soil deformation parameters in depth of the compressible strata.
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