
  • A. Mangura Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University
  • S. Mangura Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University


The references of studies about the magnetic field effect on prevention of asphalt, resin,
and paraffin and salt deposits formation in the oil are described in the article.
The effect of constant magnetic fields on the well production is currently one of the most
interesting, leading to an increase in the overhaul period of the well. At the same time, this
method is debatable, sometimes leading to ambiguous and contradictory results. In many
cases, the nature of such effect is not properly studied. Often, according to some researchers,
effect is discovered, whereas its intensity, on the basis of physical considerations, is clearly
inadequate for the production of any useful effect. This refers to the type of magnetic effects,
that is based on the principle of protection consisting in a sharp increase in 1000-100000
times the number of paraffins crystals nucleus by the action of static magnetic fields of
topology and tension in the natural trace units - rod-shaped mineral oxides / hydroxides of
iron are water, oil and gas production in the flow of production wells.
Keywords: development of oil fields, asphalt, paraffins, resins, sediments, asphaltene
deposits, salt deposits, the magnetic field, the magnetic anti-paraffin device.


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How to Cite

Mangura, A., & Mangura, S. (2017). EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FIELD ON ASPHALT, RESIN, PARAFFIN AND SALT DEPOSITS. Academic Journal Industrial Machine Building Civil Engineering, 3(45), 304–316. Retrieved from https://journals.nupp.edu.ua/znp/article/view/207