Reinforcement of the foundation base of the building with horizontal elements of increased rigidity

Keywords: : soil reinforcement, grouting element, fixing, boring and mixing technology


A method for reducing the uneven deformations of a two-story building, which provides improving the construction properties of weak soils that lie at the base, by reinforcing them with horizontal soil-cement elements (SCE) of increased rigidity, carried out using a sand mixing technology, is described. SCEs are created in the mass under the base of the foundations and are formed as a result of the destruction of soil natural structure with its simultaneous mixing and injection of cement mortar under pressure. It has been established that the manufacture of SCE has a number of advantages: using of local soil as a material for their manufacture; adding to the soil only water and a binder, without additional aggregate; installation of elements on the site.


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How to Cite
Zotsenko Mykola Reinforcement of the foundation base of the building with horizontal elements of increased rigidity / Mykola Zotsenko, Yuriy Vynnykov, Yevheniy Shokarev, ShokarevАndriy // ACADEMIC JOURNAL Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering. – Poltava: PNTU, 2018. – VOL. 2 (51). – PP. 156-160. – doi:

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