Current Issue
"Industrial engineering"
"Construction and civil engineering"
«Environment Protection Technologies»
Dear readers and authors of research articles!
Sergiy F. Pichugin Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Metal, Wood and Plastics Structures Department of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Honoured Scholar of University, Laureate of the Ukrainian State Prize in Science and Technology |
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the printed scientific specialized edition “Collection of academic papers. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering”, I would like to address academics, postgraduates, researchers and practitioners.
Our “Collection of academic papers”, which has regularly been coming out since 1999, is a highly professional national-level edition. Our main purpose is to cover actual problems of mechanic engineering and building industry, and to provide maximum wide distribution of information on their solution.
The journal is on the list of professional editions where results of thesis research can be published. On a regular basis it presents the most considerable scientific achievements of leading researchers, postdoctoral students, postgraduate students, faculty members, students and practitioners. Research articles published in the journal cover wide range of issues relating to construction work mechanization, technologies of machine construction, motor transport and motorways, building structures and constructions, civil engineering, heat and gas supply, building thermal physics, water supply, building materials and constructional products, urban planning and land-use planning.
We offer cooperation and welcome authors to publish their actual research articles, which have something important to contribute to the development of machinery construction and building industry. In our edition researchers and practitioners can obtain information about modern scientific achievements. Students and postgraduates can get experience of generalization and publication of their research results.
We hope that our collaboration with authors and readers will be long-term and fruitful.
Sincerely yours,
Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Collection of Academic Papers. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering”
S. F. Pichugin