
  • D. Kyslytsia
  • Y. Basova
  • S. Kyslytsia
  • H. Kozhushko
  • R. Zakharchenko



LED lamps, lighting control systems, flickering, dimming, pulse width modulation


This paper examines the typical functions of lighting control systems and the prospects for their development using modern advancements in LED technology, the miniaturization of components such as sensors that can be integrated into LED modules, the use of wireless communication, and the capability of managing information via the Internet. The main typical functions of automatic lighting control systems include: maintaining artificial lighting in indoor spaces at an appropriate visual level; reducing the power consumption of lighting systems by utilizing natural lighting; reducing the power consumption of lighting systems by optimizing their use at every moment, particularly on weekends and holidays, depending on the presence of people in the room, etc.; combined lighting control, which uses both manual and automated methods, allowing the determination of lighting parameters while considering individual consumer preferences; selection of lighting parameters based on previous settings data, which can improve the lighting environment; provision of lighting parameters aligned with the concept of integrative lighting ("lighting for people," HCL) by automatically adjusting the level of illumination and color of light throughout the day, etc. Lighting control systems are primarily based on the use of time, presence, and light level sensors, or combined sensors that integrate these functions. In global practice, two main output current control interfaces are used for automatic lighting control: analog and digital. This article provides information on the features of adjusting LED parameters using analog and digital interfaces, examines certain issues in the creation of intelligent lighting systems, and explores the prospects of using artificial intelligence in lighting systems. Conclusions are drawn regarding the energy efficiency of automatic lighting control systems, the basic requirements for their parameters, and future development prospects.


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