• N. Yermilova
  • S. Kyslytsia
  • R. Tarasiuk
Keywords: control system, vegetable storage, refrigerating chamber, mathematical model, air cooler, air humidifier, neural network, temperature stabilization


The article deals with the disadvantages of existing systems of automatic control (SAC) which operate the refrigeration equipment of vegetable storages and ways to eliminate these shortcomings. It is proposed to distance from traditional methods of management and switch to the use of intelligent methods that will allow the system to adapt flexibly when the internal parameters of the object change and there are disturbing actions in a wide range of changes in their values. The mathematical models of some individual elements of the system - air cooler, air humidifier and a refrigerating chamber - are developed, and on their basis a generalized model of the SAC for refrigeration modes in a storage is created. This allowed to determine the temperature and moisture content of air in the dynamics. Conducted theoretical studies of the interaction of cooling air with the object of storage showed the determinant influence of temperature on the dynamics of product losses, and the basic parameter of regulation is found – a change in the refrigeration performance of the compressor installation in the function of air temperature at the exit of the chamber by changing the volumetric flow rate of a refrigerating agent; which, in its turn, is implemented by adjusting the rotational speed of the compressor shaft. The synthesis of the expert neuroinformation SAC for the compressor cold efficiency is carried out, graphic power dependencies of the compressor shaft power from the input parameters are analyzed. It turned out that the minimum compressor power is achieved by reducing the heat input to the camera, both from the outside and from the inside of the refrigerating chamber, meanwhile the massive air flow only affects the cooling rate. It is concluded that determination of the compressor power with the help of neuro-fuzzy networks corresponds to the task. The scheme for hardware and software implementation of SAC for technological microclimate in a refrigerating chamber using the SCADA system is proposed.


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How to Cite
Yermilova N. Development of automated control system for equipment of a vegetable storage facility based on neuro-fuzzy systems / N. Yermilova, S. Kyslytsia, R. Tarasiuk // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2019. – VOL. 1 (53). – PP. 50-54. – doi:

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