


construction, building, structure, reliability, probabilistic method, load


The article presents the results obtained by scientific school «Reliability of building structures» for the spice of five years
2015 – 2019. Some aspects of the general approach to structural reliability assessment have been developed. Current
normative calculations of structures were combined with the assessment of their reliability. Engineering methods were developed that allow to take into account an increase snow loading on coverage of building of variable height, to estimate the
processes of snow thawing on roofs of the heated buildings and snow laying on cold roofs. It were investigated the specific
wind load in the mountainous Carpathian region and loads of travelling cranes of different producers. Reliability of steel
structures of trunk pipelines and reinforced concrete beams with carbon-fiber reinforcement has been evaluated. Work
features of sheet steel structures were investigated. Construction accidents have been analyzed


Reliability of building structures. Works of S.F. Pichugin's Scientific School: collection of scientific articles (2010). Poltava: Publishing House «АSМI».

Pichugin, S.F. (2015) Scientific School «Reliability of Building Structures»: Achievements and Perspectives. Academic journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building,

Civil Engineering, 1 (43), 3-16.

Pichugin, S.F. (2018) Reliability Estimation of Industrial Building Structures. Magazine of Civil Engineering,

(7), 24-37. doi: 10.18720/MCE.83.3

Pichugin, S.F. (2016). Reliability Calculation of Building Structures. Poltava: Publishing House «АSМI».

Perelmuter. A.V., Pichugin. S.F. (2014). About One Characteristic of Building Construction Reliability. Metal Structures, 2 (20), 109-117.

Perelmuter, A.V., Pichugin, S.F. (2014). About an estimation of building structures vulnerability. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 5(49), 5-14.

Perelmuter, A.V., Pichugin, S.F. (2017). On One Safety Characteristic of Buildings. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research. 5 (4), 2035-2044.

Perelmuter, A.V., Kabantsev, O.V., Pichugin, S.F. (2019). Method Bases of Calculation by Limit States: monograph. Moscow: Publishing Houses SCAD SOFT and ASV.

Semko, V.O. (2017). Reliability of bearing and enclosing structures of steel cold-formed thin-walled profiles. (Master’s thesis). PoltNTU, Poltava.

Pichugin, S., Semko, V., Leshchenko, M. (2017). Probabilistic analysis of thermal performance of the wall from light-gauge thin-walled steel structures. Academic

Journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering, 1(48), 144-155.

Pichugin, S.F., Dryzhyruk, Yu.V., Popovich, N.M., Chernetska, I.V. (2015). The features of snow loads on building roofs. Technical Transactions, Budownictwo Zeszyt 2-B (12), 441-449.

Pichugin, S.F., Kinash, R.I., Huk, Y.S. (2017). Methods of Determining Characteristic Values of Average and Maximum Wind Pressures in July and January for 9 Peaks of the Carpathians with Zoning of the Territory of the Transcarpathian Region. Industrial Construction and Engineering, 1, 35-44.

Pichugin, S., Patenko, I., & Maslova, S. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Loads from the Travelling Cranes of Different Producers. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.2), 36-39.

Pichugin S., Patenko Yu. (2019).To the Assessment of Vertical Crane Load. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 15(1), 131-139.

Perelmuter, A.V., Pichugin, S.F. (2015). Calculation Load Composition for the Verification of Structural Reliability (review). Collection of scientific works of Ukrainian Structural Steel Institute Shimanovsky, 15, 4-47.

Zyma, O.E. (2014). Reliability of main pipeline steel structure. (Master’s thesis). PoltNTU, Poltava.

Vynnykov, P.Y. (2017). Reliability level of the buried

main pipelines linear part on the stochastic soil base. (Master’s thesis). PoltNTU, Poltava.

Pichugin, S., Zyma, O. & Vynnykov, P. (2016). Reliability level of the buried Main Pipelines Linear Part. Recent Progress in Steel and Composite Structures, 551-558.

Pichugin, S.F., Pashynskyi. V.A., Zyma. J.E., Vynnykov. P.Y. & Bila. Z.Y. (2018). Reliability of Main Pipelines Linear Parts. Poltava: Publishing House «АSTYA».

Onyshchenko, V.O., Vynnykov, Yu.L., Zotsenko, M.L., Pichugin, S.F. and oth. (2018). Effective Constructive-technological Solutions of Oil and Oil Products Transportation in Complicated Geotechnical Conditions. Poltava: FOP Pusan A.F.

Pichugin, S. & Makhinko, N. (2018). Features of the Silo Capacities' Calculation at the Unsymmetrical Wind Load. International Journal of Engineering &Technology. 4.8(7), 22-26. htp://

Pichugin, S. & Makhinko, N. (2019). High-strength steel grades application for silos structures. Academic Journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering, 1(52), 51-57. 2019.52.1674

Pichugin, S.F., Oksenenko, K.O. (2019). Structural Solutions of Steel Silos for Bulk Material: Academy and University Science: Results and Perspectives: Collection of scientific works by materials of XII International Scientificpractical Conference. Poltava: PoltNTU.

Pichugin, S.F., Klochko, L.A. (2019). Accidents analysis of steel vertical tanks. Modern Methods of Modeling and

Analysis of Structures. Software for Civil and Structural Engineering, Design and Education: Report theses of III International Scientific Conference. Kyiv: TOV «Sоfіa-А» LТD.

Pichugin, S.F., Chichulin, V.P., Chichulina, K.V. (2019). Determination of the elements significance in the

reliability of redundant frames. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 15(3), 109-119.

Pichugin, S.F., Klochko, L.A. (2019). Accidents features in construction. Academic Journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering, 1(52), 91-101.

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DSTU В.2.6-210:2016 (2016). Assessment of the technical condition of used steel structures. Kyiv: Minregion of Ukraine.

Perelmuter, A.V., Pichugin, S.F. (2018). About New Reduction of DBN В.1.2-14-2009. Industrial Construction and Engineering, 2, 33-34.

Pichugin, S.F. and oth. (2017). Victor Baturin. The Artist and his Museums. Poltava: Publishing House «АSМI».




How to Cite

Pichugin, S. (2019). SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL «RELIABILITY OF BUILDING STRUCTURES»: NEW RESULTS AND PRESPECTIVES. Academic Journal Industrial Machine Building Civil Engineering, 2(53), 5–12.

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