measuring system, temperature measurement, microprocessor meter, data processingAbstract
Thesubjectofthisresearchistheneuralnetworksystemofidentificationofcarlicenseplatesonimagesobtained by means of video recording means. The purpose of this work is to ensure the process of recognition of license plates of vehicles in a wide range of changing angles of observation and light levels. The task is to study the neural network system for recognizing license plates on images obtained by means of video recording in a wide range of changes in the angles of observation and light levels. The analysis of problems of methods and algorithms of automated recognition license plates of cars has shown that it is most perspective to use neural network algorithms which are adjusted to change of conditions of supervision of means of traffic control. The solution to the problem of recognizing car license plates can be presented in the form of a number of subtasks, which include primary image processing, detection of the area of the license plate in the image, character segmentation and character recognition. Conclusions: the proposed neural network system for license plate recognition, which allows you to search for text areas at any angle in different lighting conditions. The system allows you to recognize car license plates in a wide range of changes in distance to the car, viewing angles and light levels
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