
  • L. Lievi




drip irrigation systems, automated moisture management system, fuzzy logic algorithms, term sets, linguistic variables, fuzzy linguistic rules base


Drip irrigation systems are widely used to grow a variety of crops both in greenhouses and in open areas of varying sizes, from small private garden areas to farms. The peculiarity of this type of irrigation is that water is slowly supplied with drops or jets at a given time and in a given amount directly to the roots of each plant. In this case, water consumption is reduced by 20-50% compared to surface irrigation and sprinkling, redundant irrigation is prevented and, as a result, raising the groundwater level and salinization of the soil, the top of the soil is not compacted, and the level of weed growth is reduced. Irrigation should take into account the influence of randomly varying weather factors and adjust the irrigation rate daily. Structural diagram of the automated control system (ACS) of the moisture supply of the modular section by means of drip irrigation is a combined control system with a controller, which consists of two series-connected units. The first link determines the permissible percentage of under-consumed plants as a percentage, based on the next day's weather data. Obviously, the more permissible the share of imperfections will be, the greater the value of predicted precipitation. The second link calculates the intake pressure (humidity) task for the current day, taking into account the recommendations of the first regulator, and provides control effects on the actuators. The purpose of the article is to develop a method for controlling soil moisture by drip irrigation based on fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic algorithms were used to determine the fraction of imperfectly. Weather input data for next day precipitation are used as input variable. The baseline variable is the permissible proportion of underexposed plants for the current day. The proposed ACS of moisture of crops at drip irrigation allows to increase the accuracy of humidity management by promptly taking into account variable perturbations on the object and to ensure the planned yield with rational use of energy and water resources.The direction of further research should be considered the development of the concept of application of intelligent decision support methods in multicriteria conditions in the problems of optimal management of moisture content of crops. This will save water and energy resources while ensuring planned yields


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