



soil cement element, strip cast-in-place foundation, settlement, geodetic observation, modulus of deformation, method of ultimate elements


The methodology and results of long-term geodetic observation at subsidence of nine-ten storey building with a strip cast-in-place foundation on sandy and peaty base reinforced
with soil cement elements at the process of its construction and exploitation are presented in the article. The correctness of elastic-plastic model use with Mohr Coulomb strength criterion and planar task finite element method for the evaluation of the deformed state «strip foundation – reinforced soil layer – the natural basis» system are substantiated.

Author Biographies

О. М. Landar, OJSC «Poltavatransbud»

director OJSC «Poltavatransbud»

V. М. Zotsenko, «Fundamentbud-3» Poltava

director «Fundamentbud-3» Poltava

P. M. Omelchenko, director «EKFA» Ltd., Poltava

PhD, director «EKFA» Ltd., Poltava


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How to Cite

Vynnykov, Y. L., Miroshnychenko, I. V., Landar О. М., Zotsenko V. М., & Omelchenko, P. M. (2017). LONG-TERM SUBSIDENCE OF A MULTISTORY BUILDING ON THE BASE REINFORCED WITH SOIL CEMENT ELEMENTS. Збірник наукових праць Галузеве машинобудування будівництво Academic Journal Industrial Machine Building Civil Engineering, 2(49), 234–242. https://doi.org/10.26906/znp.2017.49.850

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