Kondratyuk, the glorious, has given you his name, We’re proud to belong to that family of fame., The best-loved University, we’ll keep in our hearts, Spirit of the sciences, spirit of the artsAbstract
At the beginning of the 21 century it became clear that the «heavenly» cosmic philosophy of Tsiolkovsky and so called the «planetary» cosmic presented by F.A. Tsander are both to some extend premature, and the «earth» or «ground» cosmic philosophy of Yu.V. Kondratyuk is the most urgent for the Earth because it could realize some peaceful space programs for the benefit of mankind. «The whole universe space is developing not in accordance with Tsiolkovsky’s or Tsander’s theories but with that of Kondratyuk», said B.I. Romanenko, the scientist, who has been studying the interplanetary space for many years and who was Yuriy Kondratyuk’s colleague and biographer. In the history of national science it is difficult to find more dramatic fortune than the life and career of the outstanding self-taught scholar from Poltava.
Cited on: In search of the truth. Documental essays, stories and verses. – Novosibirsk, 1997. – P. 24.
Kuntsevich V. M. To the 100 th anniversary of Yu. V. Kondratyuk (A. I. Shargey) // Problems of management and informatics. – 1997. – No.1. – P. 18.
Kondratyuk Yu. V. For those who will read to build. In the collection: Rocket engineering pioneers: Kibalchich, Tsiolkovsky, Tsander, Kondratyuk. Selected papers. – M. : Nauka, 1964. – P. 532.
Kondratyuk Yu. V. On conquering the interplanetary space. – K. : KMUCA, 1996. – P. 101.
Burov N. S. To the history of the stage rocket idea // Collection of the IX readings devoted to the development of K.E. Tsiolkovsky’s ideas and scientific heritage. Section «Rocket and space engineering problems». – M. : IIET USSR Academy of Sciences, 1975. – P. 156 – 168.
See: Datsenko A. V., Pryshchepa V. I. Yuriy Vasyliovych Kondratyuk. 1897 – 1942 [translated from Russian by N. K. Kocherga]. – Poltava: PoltNTU, 2012. – P. 22.