Dynamic activity of military transportation investigation at the construction site





vibration, building, vibration acceleration, vibration velocity, measurement


In the paper it is confirmed that any theoretical data inferior to precisely measured data due to the impossibility of
considering all the factors influencing on the oscillation process. The fluctuations magnitude of a non-residential building in
Poltava and the dynamic influence on the building structure and the people who can be there periodically are experimentally
investigated. To evaluate the vibration impact, it is necessary to compare measured data with the permissible level of
vibration in public buildings. The recommendations for the further building exploitation are based on the building structures
vibration acceleration measurements results.


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How to Cite

Mykhailovska, O., & Nesterenko, T. (2019). Dynamic activity of military transportation investigation at the construction site. Academic Journal Industrial Machine Building Civil Engineering, 1(52), 154–159. https://doi.org/10.26906/znp.2019.52.1690

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