Mathematical modelling of soil massifs strained-deformed state under soil water level decreasing




pressure, displacement, conformal mapping, hydrodynamic net


The analytical solutions for the determination of vertical displacements at any point of single-layer and multilayer soil compositions under filtration water flow influence, saline solutions presence and filtration considering soil changing filtration and deformation characteristics have been obtained. The mathematical models of soil filtration and the stress-deformed state from water-saturated ground massifs and bases deformations forecast under internal volumetric forces influence (hydrodynamic forces of the filtration flow, changes in the soils own weight) have been developed and substantiated. Numerical solutions of the corresponding boundary filtration problems and SDS of soil in regions with time-varying curvilinear boundary have been obtained for these mathematical models. They have enabled to perform water-saturated soils and bases deformations forecast under the change of hydrogeological conditions and man-made factors effect.


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How to Cite

Kuzlo, M. (2018). Mathematical modelling of soil massifs strained-deformed state under soil water level decreasing. Academic Journal Industrial Machine Building Civil Engineering, 2(51), 73–78.

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