electronic warfare, FPV drone, tactical and technical characteristics, tactics of employment, trench electronic warfare, unmanned aerial vehicleAbstract
The subject of the article is the tactical and technical characteristics and the tactics of employment the main short-range electronic warfare (EW) systems (trench EW) used by the armed forces of the russian federation in the RussianUkrainian war. The aim is to analyze the tactical and technical characteristics of the main short-range EW systems (trench EW) and their tactics of employment. Tasks include the identification and classification of the EW systems of the russian federation armed forces, analysis of the main technical parameters of short-range EW systems (trench EW), and the study of strategies for employing short-range EW systems (trench EW) in combat operations. The methods employed are: comparative analysis, data clustering methods, analytical and empirical methods for analyzing the application of EW systems in the Russian-Ukrainian war. The following results were obtained. A structured analysis of the tactical and technical characteristics and the tactics of employment of the shortrange EW systems (trench EW) of the russian federation armed forces was conducted, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages, and proposals for further research were formulated. The practical significance of the obtained results may serve as the basis for improving the existing strike FPV drones used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, particularly in counteracting the suppression of their control channels by EW systems. Conclusions: the analysis of the tactical and technical characteristics and tactics of employment of the short-range EW systems (trench EW) of the russian federation showed that such EW systems are one of the effective tools in countering strike FPV drones, which, in turn, significantly impact the course of modern military operations. Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion of the russian armed forces into ukrainian territory, the EW systems analyzed in this study have been continuously improved in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics and their employment in combat conditions. Additionally, their production rates in the russian federation have significantly increased, with a considerable number of new complexes developed. It is important to note that short-range EW systems (trench EW) pose a significant threat in modern combat conditions. A key factor demonstrating the relevance of this research direction is the fact that the russian armed forces are intensively enhancing their EW systems to ensure their tactical and technical characteristics and employment tactics are aligned with the current demands of military operations. Therefore, at present, the Armed Forces of Ukraine face the challenge of countering short-range EW systems (trench EW), while no other country in the world has encountered such extensive experience in dealing with these threats. Hence, the scientific results obtained in this study may provide the groundwork for developing solutions to this problem in the future. The research was conducted with grant support from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine within the framework of the competition “Science for Strengthening Ukraine’s Defense Capability,” project title “Information Technology for Automated Segmentation of Objects in Targeting Systems for Strike FPV Drones Based on Swarm Intelligence Algorithms,” registration number 2023.04/0153.Downloads
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