
  • H. Kozhevnikov
  • M. Markevych
  • O. Matyash



Internet of Things, fog computing, cloud system, edge calculations


Topicality. Internet of Things (IoT) systems are becoming increasingly popular in various industries today. Cloud technology is used to process information flows coming from a large number of end sensors. But when operational transactions enter the cloud, QoS requirements are not met. The solution to this problem was facilitated by the emergence of single-board computers at the edge layer of the Internet of Things. The purpose of the article is to selection of the technology for interaction between the nodes of the edge layer of the Internet of Things, which is focused on the limited computing resources of nodes close to IoT sensors. Research results. An analysis of the characteristics of existing technologies for interaction of computing nodes of the lower layer of the Internet of Things was conducted, the advantages and disadvantages of each technology were highlighted. As a result, the remote procedure call technology was chosen as the basic one. The process of assigning tasks at the lower layer of the Internet of Things was simulated using the selected technology. Conclusion. The proposed approach to organizing the interaction of computing nodes of the lower layer of the Internet of Things using remote procedure call technology made it possible to meet the QoS requirements for operational IoT transactions.


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