
  • V. Tokariev
  • I. Ilina
  • I. Shevchenko
  • I. Hrytsenko



ꞌ'Swarm-botꞌ' - system, ꞌ's-botsꞌ', embedded systems, business-to-business, business-to-consume, drones, communication, branch-and-bound method, asymmetric TSP - problem


Today, in the field of service provision, after an analysis of the supply and demand market, research is being conducted to determine the possibility of using the ꞌ'Swarm-botꞌ' - system platform for delivering orders to end users. In the role of ꞌ's-botsꞌ', which are part of one ꞌ'Swarm-botꞌ' - system, drones are actively used. Delivery of orders and correspondence using the ꞌ'Swarm-botꞌ' - system platform implies the presence of a specialized container placed on the drone body. Research is being conducted to see if drones can replace the email messages we're all used to. When implementing the ꞌ'Swarm-botꞌ' - system platform into real operation, a person participates in the delivery process as an operator, and drones move along a preprogrammed route. Today, the most optimal way to solve the problem of reducing the order delivery distance is to solve the asymmetric TSP problem (travelling salesman problem). This article is devoted to exploring the possibility of applying an algorithm based on the ꞌ'branch-and-boundꞌ' method to solve an asymmetric TSP problem in B2C deliveries using the ꞌ'Swarmbotꞌ' - system platform in a physical unorganized environment.


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