student's model, simulator training, aviation simulator, psychological profile of a personalityAbstract
The article discusses the process of creating a student model as one of the components of an automated control system for civil aviation pilots simulator training. The existing methods of constructing a student's model and the peculiarities of their implementation are analyzed, namely: overlay, perturbation, difference models. The components of the student's model are determined, special attention is paid to the component - the psychological profile of the personality. Taking into account the specifics of flight activity, in the psychological profile of the personality of the student's model, in addition to his general personal qualities, it is proposed to additionally include those characteristics that can affect the success of the simu lator training program. They are due to the structure and content of the pilot's activity during the operation of the aircraft. To determine these additional qualities, the supporting fragments of the pilots' activities and the factors necessary for their successful implementation were analyzed. The structure of the student's model is proposed. It is built taking into account the psychological aspects of the personality that affect the flying ability and their developmentDownloads
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