Marketing strategies for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry: adaptation to the post-war economy in Ukraine
marketing strategies, hospitality and tourism industry, consumer priorities, demand, digital platform, security, post-war recoveryAbstract
This article is devoted to the topical issue of developing practical recommendations for the formation of marketing strategies and post-war adaptation in the hotel and tourism business. Theoretical foundations and practical recommendations for the development of marketing strategies for the development of hotels and tourism industry in Ukraine are studied. The dynamics of the indicators of income from the hotel and tourism industry are analyzed. The need to determine the factors that affect the formation of marketing strategies for the development of hospitality and tourism industry has been demonstrated. The main marketing strategies for the development of hospitality and tourism industry are presented, and their use will not only restore the tourism industry, but also bring it to a new level, based on a deep understanding of the changing market situation, consumer needs and trends. It has been noted that in post-war reconstruction, tourists will focus more on finding safety, stability, comfort and emotional recovery. To remain competitive, hospitality and tourism businesses need to use innovative approaches to promote and manage global trends, including a focus on sustainable travel demand, personalized services and environmentally friendly practices.Therefore, marketing strategies in the hospitality and tourism industry should aim to create unique, safe and personalized tourism products that are comprehensive, adapt to new realities and allow you to engage.Marketing strategies for the development of hospitality and tourism industry in the post-war economy of Ukraine should be diverse, taking into account the needs of domestic and foreign tourists, with an emphasis on safety, innovation, environmental responsibility and social support. The recovery and development of the industry requires flexibility and rapid adaptation to changing situations, as well as constant attention to the psychological and emotional aspects of the tourist experience.Therefore, marketing strategies should consider these new needs in the context of digitization by providing the right products. The proposed marketing strategy for this industry in the postwar economy can be a decisive factor in attracting customers and ensuring sustainable growth of the market.
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