Modeling using the LIRA 9.6 software package of contact interaction of the retaining wall with the base
finite element method, retaining wall with a structural surface, modeling, stress-strain stateAbstract
The article analyzes the research of scientists who studied the work of retaining walls under different soil conditions, and
their contact interaction with the base. Examples of recent designs of retaining walls and their use are given. It is stated that
the goal is to study the stress-strain state of a retaining wall with a structural surface, considering its contact interaction with
the ground mass. The main stages and features of mathematical modeling of the retaining walls and soil foundation interaction
in the conditions of a flat problem with the help of LIRA 9.6 software have been described. As a result, the nature of the
retaining wall work has been analyzed under various conditions of interaction with the base and with different parameters of
the retaining wall rigidity. The relationship between the retaining wall rigidity and the resulting equivalent stresses in the soil
foundation under various conditions of interaction has been established. It has been concluded that on the contact surface of
the retaining wall with a structural surface, the effect of stresses redistribution is achieved and the carrying capacity of the
foundation soil is increased due to the formation of elastic cores and unloading arches.
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