• M. Dorokhov Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University
  • I. Kostriba Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas
  • V. Mychayluk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas


The problems of test process of wellhead and preventer equipment during the
construction and underground repair of wells are considered. The effects of extrusion of seal
material into the gap to hermetization ability of self-sealing packer and quality test of
wellhead and preventer equipment as a whole was analyzed and the need for serious research
of self-sealing rubber cuffs was justified. The conditions of application of the model physics of
themooney-rivlin material behavior in the implementation of computer simulation of stressstrain
state of a rubber self-sealing cuff are analyzed. The major operational factors
influencing the ability hermetization of self-sealing cuff during the test are described. The
stages and results of computer simulation of stress-strain state of self-sealing rubber cuffs
taking into account operational factors were determined. Comparison of the research results of
hermetization ability cuff in the quantitative simulation and experimental study was done.
Keywords: wellhead test packer, self-sealing cuffs; computer simulation, stress-strained


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Як цитувати
Dorokhov M. Hermetization ability analysis of rubber seals of test packers in the framework of cae-systems / M. Dorokhov, I. Kostriba, V. Mychayluk // ACADEMIC JOURNAL Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering. – Полтава: ПНТУ, 2017. – Т. 2 (47). – С. 316-324. – Режим доступу: https://journals.nupp.edu.ua/znp/article/view/100 (дата звернення: 03.07.2024).