bio-inspired optimization, efficiency, low-density parity-check codes, non-binary codes, radio communication systemsAbstract
The paper proposes a bio-inspired approach to the optimization of non-binary low-density parity-check codes. At the first stage of the developed optimization method, the characteristics of information transmission and the parameters of the selected bio-inspired optimization procedure are set. The key stage of the method consists in iterative search of the parity-check matrix using the selected bio-inspired optimization procedure based on computer simulation. Modeling of the information transmission process is carried out for a given modulation method and selected parameters of the communication channel. The construction of sets of parity-check matrices of non-binary low-density parity-check codes is based on the progressive edge growth method. The evaluation of the performance of each generated parity-check matrix is used the calculation of the error rate based on the results of iterative belief propagation decoding. For the software implementation of the proposed approach, an algorithm of bio-inspired optimization of non-binary low-density parity-check codes has been developed. The presented method of optimizing these non-binary codes is advisable to use to improve the efficiency of new generation radio communication systems.Downloads
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