adaptive digital antenna array, active masking interference, interference immunity, suppression coefficient, substratum, radio communication system, radar system, statistical characteristics, tropospheric inhomogeneities, phase center, phase front fluctuaAbstract
Radio communication and radar systems operate under the influence of tropospheric inhomogeneities and the substratum, which is the cause of fluctuations in the phase front of electromagnetic waves. In particular, fluctuations of the interference wave front lead to a decrease in the immunity of these systems. The subject of study in the article is the effect of fluctuations of the phase front of an active masking interference wave on the effectiveness of its suppression in radio communication and radar systems. The goal is to evaluate the capabilities of radio communication and radar systems to ensure the specified immunity in real conditions of radio wave propagation. The task is to study the dependence of the effectiveness of suppression of active interference on the direction of its arrival at different sizes and differences of phase centers of antennas of communication and radar systems, as well as to determine a proposal for its improvement. In the course of solving the specified task, the perspective of using adaptive digital antenna arrays as antenna systems in radio communication and radar systems has been proven. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, the degree of influence of the fluctuations of the phase front of the active interference was estimated, depending on their statistical characteristics, which correspond to the real conditions of radio wave propagation. The dependence of the suppression coefficient of active interference on the degree of influence of phase fluctuations in the elements of the receiving aperture at fixed values of the deviations of the angle of arrival of the interference from the direction of the maximum of the side lobe of the antenna directional diagram was analyzed. The specified coefficient was evaluated based on the size and phase difference of the main and auxiliary antennas of the radio engineering system. The conditions for the best suppression of active interference in radio communication and radar systems have been determined. A promising direction of further research may be the application of the obtained results in relation to the issues of ensuring the given interference immunity of the specified systems under the influence of combined active-passive interference.Downloads
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