
  • N. Burdeina
  • Ya Pidlisnyi



electromagnetic safety, life support system, harmonics of industrial frequency


The electromagnetic environment formed by the life support systems of industrial and residential buildings and structures is investigated. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the saturation of the living environment with electrical and electronic equipment reduces the efficiency of recovery of the human body after exposure to electromagnetic fields in the course of labor activity. The conditions under which all devices that periodically affect the levels of electromagnetic fields were turned off in both industrial and domestic environments were considered. Field measurements of the electric and magnetic components of the electromagnetic field of industrial frequency and the electromagnetic fields of wireless communication frequencies of background values in office and residential premises were carried out. The measurements were carried out in office and residential premises in the daytime and in the evening. It was found that in the daytime, electric fields of industrial frequency in office premises were 18-25 V/m, in residential premises - 7-9 V/m; magnetic fields - 0.2-1.8 μT, 0.12-0.14 μT; energy flux densities of electromagnetic fields of ultrahigh frequencies - 0.16-1.20 μW/cm2 and 0.14-1.30 μW/cm2 , respectively. In the evening, the amplitude values were respectively 13-24 V/m; 14-28 V/m; 0.14-1.30 μT; 0.18-0.22 μT; 0.12-0.19 μW/cm2 ; 0.18-1.35 μW/cm2 . The sample of premises is random. The influence of external sources on the electromagnetic situation in the premises was not taken into account. Measurements of ultra-low frequency fields were performed without taking into account the influence of harmonics and interharmonics of industrial frequency, which meets the requirements of current sanitary standards. It is shown that electric and magnetic fields of harmonics of industrial frequency in multiples of three are automatically generated in the presence of equipment with nonlinear volt-ampere characteristics, and the calculation of the values of the corresponding electric currents is given. It is shown that, in addition, under random asymmetries of electrical loads on individual phases of a three-phase power network, additional generation of voltages, harmonic currents of industrial frequency and the electric and magnetic fields generated by them is possible. Taking into account the practical impossibility of avoiding the generation of industrial frequency harmonic fields by equipment with nonlinear volt-ampere characteristics and complete load symmetry, the expediency of developing technically and economically acceptable reactive power compensation equipment in 0.4 kV networks with industrial frequency harmonic suppression functions is substantiated.


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