
  • V. Rudnitsky
  • N. Lada
  • V. Larin
  • D. Pidlasy




low-resource cryptography, SET encryption, information-driven operations, elementary functions, discretecasual models, stream encryption


The article proposes a method of multivariate synthesis of discrete-casual models of elementary functions of operations controlled by information. The implementation of this method will expand the possibilities of designing low-resource devices for the implementation of SET operations for the construction of cryptographic systems with double control of the encryption process. For these information protection systems, management of the encryption process will be determined by both the key and the information to be encrypted. Discrete-casual models of elementary functions of operations controlled by information, compared to discrete-algebraic models, significantly reduce the complexity of implementing multi-operand SET operations, since their representation allows the use of Boolean function minimization methods when combined. Increasing the number of options for presenting discrete-casual models of elementary functions will allow for the implementation of several strategies for combining them to simplify the models of constructed SET operations. The multivariate nature of discrete-casual models of elementary functions of operations controlled by information allows to integrate them in SET-operations compatible with discrete-casual models of elementary functions of operations controlled permutations. Scope of use of the obtained results: mobile and stationary systems of low-resource cryptographic protection of confidential information.


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