cloud computing, multi-cloud, data interoperability, MCDA, ontological modelAbstract
Today, multi-cloud environments for data storage and processing have become a standard practice worldwide. Each cloud provider offers own unique solutions, making it challenging for end users to select a service provider, as they aim to maximize efficiency while minimizing costs. This paper explores multi-cloud paradigms, including multi-cloud storage gateways, data management platforms, and cloud-agnostic libraries. The study uses multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) with AHP and TOPSIS methods to identify the optimal approach for corporate and academic applications, based on criteria such as cost, implementation effort, security, and performance. Additionally, an ontological model is proposed to create a flexible framework for selecting multi-cloud approaches. This model leverages weighting factors derived from practical experiments using AHP and TOPSIS, focusing on the specific requirements of multi-cloud environments in corporate and academic contexts. The model provides the most effective strategies for combining cloud services based on particular application scenarios.Downloads
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