
  • Ruslan Pashchenko
  • Maksym Mariushko



estimation the state of agricultural cultures, contrast of space picture, fractal dimension, index NDVI


Spaces pictures in-use for monitoring agricultural earths can have a different contrast that can influence on quality through estimation of the state agricultural cultures. The subject of the study in the article is estimation of influencing contrast spaces pictures on the sizes fractals dimensions and indexes NDVI. The object of the study is the spaces pictures of agricultural cultures satellite Sentinel-2 with a different contrast. The goal is estimation influencing contrast spaces pictures of the fields sown by agricultural cultures, on the sizes fractals dimensions and indexes NDVI. The following results were obtained. Conducted estimation maximal and minimum values of brightness at the change contrast initial pictures of the different channel (channel b4 and b8) satellite Sentinel-2 and it is certain that the presence vegetation on the field influences on their conduct. Change range of brightness on a picture at the change contrast also depends on the channel of satellite Sentinel-2 and presences vegetation on the field. Influence contrast spaces pictures is investigational on the sizes fractals dimensions and indexes NDVI. It is certain that during the increase contrast picture the minimum, maximal and average values indexes NDVI are multiplied, and during diminishing contrast – diminish. Thus a difference in the size index NDVI makes about 0,3. If for estimation the state sowing to choose the possible change average index NDVI for the different fields in scopes ±0,1, at the change contrast anymore ±20% to make decision about the state of sowing becomes impossible. It is show that average fractals dimension picture of channel b8 at the increase contrast diminish on 0,02 and at diminishing contrast – Is increased on 0,01. If for estimation of the state sowing to choose the possible change average fractal dimension for the different fields in scopes ±0,02, that state sowing at the change of contrast it is possible to estimate at diminishing contrast to -50% and at the increase contrast – to +40%. Conclusions. The conducted researches showed that application average fractals dimensions for estimation of the state sowing allows to conduct the analysis spaces pictures at the greater change their contrast, as compared to the use average indexes NDVI.


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