
  • B. Bolibrukh
  • O. Kozlitin
  • B. Osadchiy



corona discharge, radio interference, acoustic noise, electromagnetic compatibility


Based on the analysis of studies on the intensity of corona discharges, it is shown that electromagnetic radiation and acoustic noise generated by corona discharges can have a direct and indirect negative impact on workers. In particular, the indirect influence consists in the influence of the instability of the functioning of technical means on the emotional and psychological state of people. Frequency spectra of electromagnetic radiation of corona discharges were determined. The most acceptable method of determining the intensity of corona discharges depending on the intensity of the electric field near the earth's surface is shown. The most acceptable ratios between the levels of the useful radio signal and the levels of radio interference are shown. The ratio of the attenuation of radio interference levels with the distance from the radiation source is given. The frequency dependence of the intensity of radio interference is given, which can be used when performing project works. Quantitative emission values of the most common wireless systems and technical devices, as well as their resistance to radio interference (laptops, servers, mobile phones, etc.) are presented. It is shown that radio interference can cause not only an adverse effect on people, but also cause unstable operation of equipment of critical infrastructure facilities due to unpredictable bursts of high-frequency radiation up to 1.5–3.5 mW/cm2 . It was determined that the most significant acoustic impact of power transmission lines is a sound frequency of 100 Hz and its multiples. In addition, corona discharges generate broadband noise. Calculations of noise levels are provided.It is shown that the empirical ratios of noise level calculations are somewhat ambiguous, therefore, in practical activities, especially in the process of project works, it is advisable to compare the results with field measurements at existing facilities. An increase in noise intensity with an increase in the number of wires in a phase together with a decrease in the intensity of electric fields near the surface of the wires opens up the possibility of optimizing design solutions from the point of view of minimizing the adverse impact of power transmission lines on people and the environment as a whole.


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