consumer preferences, utility theory, decomposition approach, comparative identification, utility functionAbstract
Topicality. One of the most urgent tasks of modern marketing is to identify and analyze consumer preferences that affect the choice of goods by the buyer. Task. In the paper proposes a method for determining the preference of consumer characteristics of a product, which is based on the application of the decomposition approach. Based on the information about the popularity rating of brands of goods among buyers, the problem of determining the private utility for each characteristic is solved, and then, the structure of the buyer's preferences is reconstructed for all consumer properties that characterize the studied brands of goods. Results. Within the framework of the axiomatics of the theory of multicriteria utility (MAUT), a midpoint method has been developed to solve the problem of determining the ”weight” coefficients of the relative importance of consumer properties of goods, which is based on the ideas of the theory of comparative identification. As a result of applying the proposed method, its can obtain a unique stable solution to the problem. It is shown that in this case, the problem of determining the preference of consumer characteristics can be reduced to a standard linear programming problem, the solution of which does not present fundamental difficulties. The values of the relative ”weights” of consumer characteristics obtained during the application of the proposed method make it possible to compare them with each other in terms of importance (”usefulness”) for the buyer and, thus, to choose the ”most important” of them or to rank them. The results of computer modeling are presented, which confirm the effectiveness of the method. Conclusion. The practical significance of the results of the work lies in the fact that the proposed method for determining consumer preferences will allow marketers to more accurately position a product on the market, actively use ”targeted” advertising to issue relevant recommendations to customers, and also create new products with the most demanded characteristics to increase sales.Downloads
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