
  • S. Nesterenko
  • D. Yermolenko
  • О. Shefer
  • A. Kliepko



navigation satellite systems, positioning accuracy, coverage area, monitoring


The main operating and perspective navigation satellite systems of the world are analyzed, including several regional regions, by positioning accuracy, coverage area, number of spacecrafts launched into orbit, activating system update s. It is shown that, depending on programming, all above-mentioned navigation systems are compatible and can functionally complement each other. Further improvement of positioning quality is possible with the help of the global system of differential correction SBAS (Space Based Augmentation System) in North and South America, Europe and Japan. Methods of DGPS and RTK from ground base states are used for correction of GPS-data in Ukraine. The possibilities of the Ukrainian space industry are studied. The Concept of the state space program is analyzed. It provides launching the satellite "Sich-2-30" with a service life of 5 years, as well as its subsequent annual addition by several satellites during the next 5 years. Previously positive changes in the Ukrainian space industry revealed the shortcomings and problems of its full development: lack of financing, instability of legal state regulation, the need for long-term research to assess the level of positioning quality. The Sich-2-30 satellite will not be able to provide Ukraine with full information independence, and, consequently, financial independence from other suppliers of cartographic images, as the obtained images will have a relatively low-level optical power. It is noted there is the need to develop its own Ukrainian navigation system to obtain digital images on the Earth's surface. The state would get the possibility of continuous monitoring of various phenomena, industries, sectors, such as land management, agricultural, environmental, architectural and construction, economic forecasts, climate, law enforcement, military and others. Due to the effective operation of the Ukrainian navigation satellite system, it is possible to participate in various international programs, including the Moon exploration. It’s also provided fully integration into the European space system, required by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU


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Проект постанови Кабінету Міністрів України «Про внесення змін до Порядку побудови Державної геодезичної мережі» від 18.05.2020 / Міністерство розвитку економіки, торгівлі та сільського господарства України разом із Державною службою України з питань геодезії, картографії та кадастру [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :

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