
  • Ya. Tarasenko



content analysis, semantic particle, core of semantics, categories of psycholinguistic portrait, differentiation of synonyms, psycholinguistic influence


The purpose of the article is to accelerate the content analysis of the press without using the express approach by adapting the method of semantic content analysis to quantum-semantic psycholinguistic analysis for developing the method of content analysis of the semantic particle. The article deals with solving an actual scientific and practical problem of the press content analysis acceleration without using the express approach. There were solved tasks such as the main components of content-analytic research adapting to the semantic particle analysis on the basis of the synonymous constructions’ distribution research due to the summative approach of content-analysis; the semantic particles division by categorical features on the basis of the conventional content analysis approach for the semantics cores distribution by logical levels of the i-concept; determining the semantic particle of the logical level correspondence to the propagandist on the basis of a directed approach in content analysis by investigating the specificity of the synonyms’ use. As a research result, the content analysis method of the semantic particle in texts with psycholinguistic influence signs was developed for the first time, based on the complex use of conventional, summative and directed approaches in content analysis by studying the synonymous constructs' thematic differentiation on the basis of textual discourse analysis, which allowed to adapt the semantic analysis methods to quantum-semantic psycholinguistic analysis and, thus, it became possible acceleration the press content analysis. The results can be used to interpret the semantic particle and identify patterns in the worlds of the semantic particle perception


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