
  • O. Barabash
  • Ye. Halakhov



time series, cyber-attack intensity, elasticity, Bernoulli equation, p-transformation, filtering, special audit


Cybersecurity management can be improved by enhancing the enterprise's ability to respond to cyberattacks and incidents. At the same time, it is impossible to prevent all attacks. Therefore, the rapid identification and response and protection of critical infrastructure and functions together with powerful information sharing are key issues that need to be addressed. One aspect of addressing this is to conduct timely audits, which are not only limited to scheduled scrutiny, but also provide insight into and take appropriate steps to prevent cyberattacks. The article presents studies aimed at determining the optimal time for conducting a special audit to improve the level of cyber defense and providing priority verified measures to reduce the risk of a cyber-incident. The time series of the cyber-attack intensity of the enterprise are analyzed with analytical alignment of the time series of the cyber-attack intensity function using a logistic curve. Based on the found elasticity intervals of the analytic function of the intensity of cyber-attacks on the enterprise that satisfy the non-linear Bernoulli differential equation, the analysis of the time series of cyber-attacks on the enterprise system for the same time periods that fall in the time period from the end of the planned audit to the beginning of the next. Using the p-transformation to the function of the intensity of cyber-attacks at the enterprise, and taking into account the dimensionlessness of the variables, the sensitivity of the dimensionless function of the intensity of cyber-attacks from the parameter p for a specified time period is calculated under the condition of preliminary filtering of the time series by three points. The optimal time for a special audit after a scheduled audit has been determined


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Шуклін Г. В., Барабаш О. В. Метод побудови стабілізаційної функції керування кібербезпекою на основі математичної моделі коливань. Телекомунікаційні та інформаційні технології. Київ. 2018. No 2 (59). С. 110–116.

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