Author Guidelines
The scheme of the articles in professional scientific publications
UDC (size – 12 pt)
(empty line – 10 pt)
O. Ivanov1, B. Petrov2 (size – 12 pt)
( empty line – 8 pt)
1Kharkiv Air Forces University, Kharkiv
2National Defense Academy of Ukraine, Kiev (size – 12 pt, outline– cursive)
( empty line – 12 pt)
PAPER TITLE (SIZE – 12 PT; OUTLINE – “BOLD”, centered)
(empty line – 12 pt)
Annotation (by original paper language, amount – more than 500 symbols): size – 10 pt; outline– "cursive", first line indention – 0.75 cm; alignment - justified).
(empty line – 9 pt)
Keywords: several keywords by original paper language (size – 10 pt; outline– "cursive", alignment - justified).
(empty line – 12 pt)
Requirements of typing
Sheet Format: А4 (21 × 29.7 cm).
Page Parameters (margins): left – 2.25 cm; right – 2.25 cm; top – 2 cm; bottom – 2.5 cm.
Paper Font – Times New Roman; outline– none; size – 10 pt, line spacing (multiplier) – 1.1
Paper Text placed in two columns of equal width - 8 cm, the distance between columns - 0,5 cm; first line indention - 0.75 cm; alignment - justified.
Subtitle (size - 12 pt), font style - bold; No indentation; alignment - centered; top and bottom separated by 6 points.
Do not use text formatting spaces, tabs etc. Do not set manual hyphenation, do not use headers and footers. Between the value and unit place indissoluble space (Ctrl + Shift + Space).
ATTENTION! The last page of the article is filled with no less than 3/4.
A set of formulas: formulas editor MS Equation. Do not use for a set of formulas graphics, pictures and tables.
In the "Size ® Define" enter the following dimensions:
Full – 10 пт; Subscript/Superscript – 8 пт;
Sub-Subscript/Superscript – 7 пт; Symbol – 14 пт;
Sub-Symbol - 10 пт.
Formulas Style – “plain”, i.e. at menu “Style ® Define” fields “Styles Format” – empty.
Table Title (size 9 pt) – requiered.
Pictures obligated followed by centered underpicture captions (size – 9 pt), preferably in a frame (example in Fig. 1).
Not allowed colored and background pictures.
Allowed arrangement of large figures, formulas and tables in one column (up to 16.5 cm).
References allocated under "References" title and executed (size - 9 pt, italic) in accordance with international standards GOST 7.1: 2006.
Structure of the manuscript
Main text of the article, in accordance with the requirements of HAC of Ukraine (see. Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of 15.01.2003,No. 7-05 / 1 [HAC of Ukraine Bulletin No. 1, 2003]) should contain the following elements:
- Introduction:general statement of the problem and its connection with important research and practical tasks;
- Review of the recent research and publications sources, where the problem’s solution is under consideration (it is recommended to refer primarily to the latest publications in professional journals);
- Task statement (formulation of the purpose and methods of the problem study considered in the article);
- Basic material and results (the main research material presentation and complete explanation of the research results obtained);
- Conclusions (scientific innovation, scientific and practical value of the research results, prospects for further research in this field);
- References (from 8 sources and more, first of all, journal articles that are referred to by the author in the review of recent research and publications sources). Meanwhile, please pay attention to compliance with bibliography requirements according to the national standard DSTU GOST 7.1: 2006 " Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and cataloging rules."
In the last article sheet after the reference list provides information about the reviewer, authors and translation of the article title, author's name, abstract and key words in Ukrainian and English (except the basic language of article) on the sample (size 9 pt, line spacing - 1.0 ).
Reviewer: Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, М. Sydorenko, Radiophysics and Electronics Institute NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv.
Author: Klymenko Ivan
United research institute Armed forces, Kharkiv, Ph.D. (Engineering), Associated professor, director.
Phone – 333-33-33, Mobile – 777-77-77, E-mail – kim@іс.ua.
Analysis of risks when ensuring information safety
І.N. Klimenko
Text of annotation translation.
Keywords: list of keywords.
Paper Submission
Volume of the manuscript - from 3 to 10 sheets in Ukrainian or English.
Publication should be submitted in electronic form with printed copies, signed by all the authors.
The manuscript is accompanied by expert opinion, reviews of Doctor of Science (Professor), an extract from the minutes of the department (division).
Submitted materials will not be returned to the author.
Articles that do not meet the requirements for publication will not be accepted.
Manuscripts are subject to additional review by members of the editorial board. The article can be returned for revision. The final decision on publication of the article decided by Editorial board of the journal.
Rejected original is not returned.
Payment is made only after confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication.
Materials sent to:
National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»,
24, Pershotravnevyi avenue
Poltava 36011
Contact: Nina Kuchuk
Tel. +38 (050) 302-20-71,
University Website:
If you are sending materials by mail or email, please be sure to call to verify their receiving and acceptance for publication.
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