About the Journal

Control, Navigation and Communication Systems

General Information about the Publication

Year of establishment:


Remit of the journal:

represent the research results on the development and improvement of control, navigation and communication systems in various areas. Publication of original and review articles and information materials on the basic problems, as well as the exchange of scientific information in following areas:

  • navigation and geoinformation systems
  • management in complex systems
  • information technology
  • civil security
  • communication and radar
  • control of space and airspace
  • optimization of transport systems


ISSN 2073-7394 (print)


State Registration Certificate:

KV No 24464-14404 of 27.03.2020

Professional registration in SAC of Ukraine:

Decree MESU No.409 of 17.03.2020

Field of study:


Publication frequency:

4 times a year


Ukrainian, English


Viktor Kosenko, Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Deputy Chief Editor:

Kateryna Nesterenko, Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Oleksandr Shefer, Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Executive Secretary:

Nina KUCHUK, Doctor of Science (Pedagogy)

Editorial Board’s address:

National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Pershotravneva Avenue, 24

Poltava, 36011, Ukraine

Phone: +38 (050) 302-20-71

е-mail: kuchuk_nina@ukr.net

Dear authors and readers of scientific articles!

On behalf of the Editorial Board of printed scientific specialized serial "Systems of Control, Navigation and Communication", which is Scientific Journal of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, I’m greeting university professors and graduate students, researchers and practitioners.

Our journal, which has been published since 2007 is a highly professional serial edition of the national level. The main purpose of the journal is to highlight the scientific achievements in the fields of Control, Navigation and Communication Systems and ensure the widest possible dissemination of information on solutions.

Journal "Systems of Control, Navigation and Communication" is included into the list of specialized academic editions that can publish the results of thesis works; it regularly publishes the most significant achievements of leading scholars, doctoral students, post-graduates, teachers, students and practitioners.

It seems reasonable to emphasize that the Editorial Board of the journal includes well-known specialists of research and educational institutions of Ukraine and abroad, including 23 doctors of technical sciences, 1 candidate of pedagogical sciences, among them 9 representatives of different regions of Ukraine, 4 representatives of EU countries, 1 representative of others foreign countries. The independent experts carry out the external and internal review of research papers. It provides our journal with high quality articles and international publicity on topical issues of engineering and practice.

We understand quite clearly, that gaining international recognition is only possible if the research papers citation index is high enough. Therefore, we are taking efforts on including the journal "Systems of Control, Navigation and Communication" into the international scientometric databases and ensuring availability of information about it at the world’s leading libraries.

We invite to cooperation all persons concerned: authors - to provide topical articles containing information about the significant contributions of their research to engineering; researchers and practitioners - to obtain information on current achievements of scientific thought; students and post-graduates - to gain experience of summarizing and highlighting the results of their own scientific research. We are looking forward to fruitful long term cooperation in this respect with authors and readers.



Editor in Chief of the scientific specialized edition

"Control, Navigation and Communication Systems"

Academic Journal of National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Viktor Kosenko

Viktor Kosenko

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor at Automation, Electronic and Telecommunication Department of National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»