• Denys Polozhyi
  • Oleksandr Oriekhov
Keywords: cloud, microservice, serverless architecture, distributed application, security, road, car, intelligent system


Intelligent automotive security systems based on cloud architectures are investigated in the work. The relationship between modern car safety systems and Internet of Things technology is shown. Modern intelligent automobile safety systems are characterized. The principles of formation of the main functional component systems are disclosed. Serverless computing has proven to be a significant shift in the way developers build and deploy applications. It is emphasized that by abstracting the underlying infrastructure, serverless computing allows developers to focus on writing code and creating functionality. Despite some limitations, the advantages of serverless computing, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility, make it an attractive option for many automotive safety use cases. The categories of system users are characterized, these are system users, conformity assessment service providers, and system platform administrators. The principles of formation of microservices are described, it is noted that in the car safety system, the results of the limited context directly inform the microservices unit. The final configuration of microservices consists of three main domains: the user domain, the implementation domain, and the rule domain. The complex architecture of the platform is formed, which is presented graphically with the separation of the two main components of the frontend and backend, the structure of the multi-level logic of service provision and the flow of data in the system are described. It is noted that, taking into account the scale of modern intelligent car safety systems, the proposed architecture can be integrated into various systems, such as detection of malfunctions in the operation of the car, emergency control of the car, speed support system, etc. The process of system integration and the principle of operation using sensors of various directions are described in detail.


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How to Cite
Polozhyi Denys Intelligent automotive security systems based on cloud architectures / Denys Polozhyi, Oleksandr Oriekhov // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. 4 (74). – PP. 91-95. – doi: