• Dmytro Vlasenkov
  • Rauf Allakhveranov
  • Mykola Starodubcev
Keywords: control model, phase-trajectory control, technological process, technological modes, technological object, uncertainty of conditions


the task of developing models for adaptive technological processes control in small-scale, multi-item production is relevant. The task of operational control of technological processes production under conditions of uncertainty is formulated as a task of trajectory control. The model of phase-trajectory control of technological processes of manufacturing new equipment products has been developed, which allows adjusting the modes of technological processes depending on the current state of the technological object. Using the control model allows you to expand the tolerances to the parameters of the starting materials and optimally assign technological modes of manufacturing of products. A model of phase-trajectory control has been developed, which is adaptive to changes in operating conditions and process characteristics and works in a priori insufficiency and/or fuzzy information.


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How to Cite
Vlasenkov Dmytro Operational control of production processes under conditions of uncertainty / Dmytro Vlasenkov, Rauf Allakhveranov, Mykola Starodubcev // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. 4 (74). – PP. 67-69. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/SUNZ.2023.4.067.

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