• V. Glyva
  • O. Tykhenko
  • O. Khodakovskyy
Keywords: electromagnetic screen, shielding factor, shielding efficiency


In engineering practice, holes of circular and rectangular shape are used as technological and functional openings in protective structures, so the object of the study was to determine the effect of such openings on the shielding factor. The purpose of the work was to develop a methodological basis for the design of electromagnetic screens with heterogeneities of different nature and to provide a reasonable and practical calculation device for predicting the efficiency of screening. A calculation apparatus for the prediction of the protective properties of electromagnetic screens and a methodology for its use for the design of shielding surfaces have been developed. An approach is proposed to determine the shielding coefficients of electromagnetic screens with inhomogeneities in the form of circular and linear openings, which allows the design of a screen with the necessary protective properties and with the required or sufficient number of openings. The proposed methodology allows to design inhomogeneous screens with the maximum acceptable number of openings to provide the required ventilation of shielded high-frequency sources of electromagnetic fields in hardware aerodromes, medical institutions, etc.


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How to Cite
Glyva V. Methodology of designation of homogeneous electromagnetic screens / V. Glyva, O. Tykhenko, O. Khodakovskyy // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2019. – VOL. 4 (56). – PP. 122-125. – doi:

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