• A. Kovalenko
  • О. Lyashenko
  • О. Danilenko
Keywords: computer network, packet delay, traffic, heavy tail


Processes that have long-term dependencies can generate a much heavier tail in the traffic process than the traditional input Poisson process. The purpose of the article is to study the behavior of computer network queues when using a hierarchical model using the example of a queue to a server. The based model. To study the behavior of a single queue of multifractal traffic generated by a hierarchical model, we consider a two-level hierarchical model in which the recovery process passes through traffic generation periods and periods when traffic generation is absent. Each period of traffic generation consists, in turn, of several similar periods of lower levels and periods of unavailability of traffic. The results of the study. The proposed model is used at the input of the server queue to calculate the distribution of the tail of the queue content process, that is, the traffic generation processes are modeled on-off. Its asymptotic behavior is modeled on samples that are obtained at control restore points. Using the obtained results, it was proved that the content process manifests a power dependence of behavior at the time points of recovery. On this basis, using the Laplace transformation, the obtained expressions for calculating the development in time of the heavy tail of the traffic process. Conclusions. An approach to determining the behavior of queues using the hierarchical model has been developed. The direction of further research is to investigate the interaction of the processes of formation of queues with heavy tails.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko A. Queue behavior when using a hierarchical model / A. Kovalenko, LyashenkoО., DanilenkoО. // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2019. – VOL. 2 (54). – PP. 110-113. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/SUNZ.2019.2.110.

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