• S. Bulba
  • V. Davydov
  • H. Kuchuk
Keywords: composite application, greedy algorithm, ant algorithm, clusterization


Subject of consideration - methods of optimal allocation of resources. The purpose of the article is to develop a method for distributing resources between composite relationships, focused on the dynamic choice of optimization algorithm. methods used - greedy and ant algorithms, clustering approach. Results of work The generalization of existing heuristics of dynamic planning, which relates to the class of greedy algorithms and finds at each step a locally optimal solution, is considered. An enlarged classification of distribution methods for a composite application package is carried out. Two types of clustering, vertical and horizontal, are analyzed. Considered the possibility of planning sets of composite applications based on clusterization approach. The method of distribution of sets of composites for relations using both ant algorithm and on the basis of a clustering approach using an ant algorithm is given. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the considered approaches were analyzed, which made it possible to determine the limits of application of each approach. Conclusions A four different approaches to resource allocation for the relationship between the composite using the following methods: Greedy algorithms, ant algorithms, vertical and horizontal clustering, sharing ant algorithm and clustering. The developed method allows dynamically to make the best choice. Further research will be aimed at developing an appropriate algorithm.


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How to Cite
Bulba S. Method of distribution of resources between composite application / S. Bulba, V. Davydov, H. Kuchuk // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2018. – VOL. 4 (50). – PP. 99-104. – doi: