Publication conditions
Scientific journal "Economy and Region" accepts for publication original articles made in accordance with the requirements of the issue, which have not previously been published elsewhere. Submission of knowingly false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. Articles of doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, young scientists (graduate students, applicants), as well as other persons with higher education and engaged in scientific activities are accepted for publication. The article should be written on a relevant topic, contain the results of in-depth scientific research and justification of the scientific results obtained in accordance with the goals and objectives of the article. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board, which also reserves the right to further review, edit, and reject articles. When reviewing materials, the Editorial Board prefers articles prepared in English.
To publish an article in Issue 4 (95) / 2024, the following steps must be completed by December 13:
1. Fill out the information about the author (link).
2. Send the article in accordance with the specified requirements to
Attention! It is necessary to indicate the code of the journal 2218 in the subject line.
3. Send a receipt for the payment of the editorial fee. Payment for the publication is made after the review of the article.
The publication fee is 1200 UAH (for 12 pages). Each extra page is 40 UAH. The publication fee covers expenses associated with reviewing, article proofreading and editing, journal mocking-up and publication of its electronic version.
The journal’s electronic version becomes publicly available on the website duly.
If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
Language of publications: articles in Ukrainian or English are accepted for consideration.
In the case of submitting an article in English, the authors need to provide a translation of its contents into Ukrainian, the publication of such a scientific work will be done free of charge.
The article should have the following structural elements:
– UDC index and JEL classification code;
– title of the article;
– information about the authors (full name, surname and patronymic, scientific degree, academic rank, position, place of work or study; ORCID and e-mail of the authors);
– the text of the article;
– the list of used sources and "References" (from 15 sources, including not less than 8 articles in foreign journals);
– abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English.
The main text of the article in accordance with the requirements of HAC of Ukraine (see Resolution of the Presidium of HAC of Ukraine from 15.01.2003 № 7-05/1 [Bulletin of HAC of Ukraine №1, 2003]) should contain the following necessary elements:
– introduction – statement of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
– review of recent research sources and publications that have begun to address the problem (we recommend referring first to recent publications in professional journals);
– task setting (formulation of the goals and methods of research of the problem considered in the article);
– main material and results (statement of the main material of the research with a full justification of the obtained scientific results);
– conclusions (scientific novelty, scientific and practical significance of the results of the study, the prospects for further scientific developments in this direction).
Requirements for the design of literature:
According to the new rules, taking into account the requirements of international citation systems, the authors of articles are required to give a list of sources used in two versions: one in the original language, designed according to the requirements of DSTU 8302:2015 «Information and documentation. Bibliographical reference. General Requirements and Rules» and a separate block – the same list of sources used (References), but in English, designed according to international bibliographic standard APA-2010. The names of sources in the reference list are placed in the order of mention in the text (not alphabetically). It is not advisable to refer to textbooks, manuals, and journalistic articles. The list of sources should be up-to-date and mostly contain articles published in scientific journals for the last 3-5 years. The list of references should not contain more than 2 sources, the author or co-author of which is the author of the article.
The article should contain abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English. The volume of the abstract in Ukrainian should be at least 700-800 characters without spaces. The number of keywords/word combinations - at least 5 positions. The length of the extended abstract in English should be at least 1800 characters without spaces. If the article is presented in English, the extended abstract should be in Ukrainian.
Structure of the abstract: surname, full name of the author (if there are several authors – each author); scientific degree, position, scientific institution; title of the article; characteristics of the main topic, problem, purpose, generalized results. The abstract should be written without subsections. The text should be original. It is inappropriate to use information from the text of the article.
Technical requirements: the volume of the article – from 10 to 20 pages, format A4 (297 x 210), margins: left – 25 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm, typed in the editor Microsoft Word. For the entire text of the article, the bibliography, the abstract are used font Times New Roman, size – 14 pt, spacing – one-and-a-half.
If the article contains tables, formulas and (or) illustrations, they should be compact, have a title, text font – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt. The size of tables and illustrations should not exceed the page width. Mathematical formulas need to be carefully checked and clearly displayed. Formulas should be typed with the formula editor (internal Microsoft Word for Windows formula editor). The number of tables, formulas, and illustrations should be minimal and appropriate. Figures and tables on landscape pages are not accepted.