Reintegration of war veterans into peaceful life in Ukraine: current state and future challenges




veterans, reintegration, war veterans, combatants, war participants, the process of war veterans’ reintegration, war veterans' reintegration programmes in Ukraine


A review of the reintegration programmes of leading countries has revealed that it is not feasible to apply the experience of any of them directly to Ukraine, due to the existence of numerous specific factors that must be taken into account when developing a state strategy for the reintegration of war veterans. A review of Ukrainian legislation reveals that the term "war veteran" is a general designation that encompasses all individuals who participated in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict or other armed conflicts, regardless of their status during service. Veterans may be either combatants or war participants. A combatant is defined as a military personnel who engages directly in combat operations. In contrast, a war participant is a military personnel who serves during a conflict but does not engage in combat. An individual may simultaneously hold both statuses. The aforementioned terminology is of significant importance for the implementation of effective veteran reintegration programmes and for the comprehension of the target audience of each programme. The process of reintegrating war veterans in Ukraine is complex and long-term, dependent on a number of factors. These include the duration of the war, which increases the number of veterans requiring rehabilitation; the insufficient level of respect for veterans from society, which requires the formation of a long-term state strategy; and the complicated regulatory framework, which complicates the implementation of support programmes. In order to facilitate effective reintegration, it is essential to streamline and optimise legislative processes, with due consideration given to the specific requirements of veterans. The reintegration process encompasses a range of support services, including psychological assistance, social integration, economic reintegration, medical care, legal counsel, educational programmes, housing provision, support for veterans' families, community initiatives, and informational support. Collectively, these services aim to facilitate the return of veterans to a full life in society. The reintegration process of war veterans in Ukraine is complex and multifaceted, necessitating comprehensive and large-scale support from the state and international organisations. A variety of national and international programmes are in operation, including the reintegration programme from IREX, the "eRobota" projects and the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, the "eOselia" programme, new experimental government projects, as well as support from the EU and IOM. The objective of these programmes is to provide comprehensive support for veterans, encompassing a range of services including employment, vocational training, psychosocial and physical rehabilitation, access to housing, and legal assistance. Nevertheless, in light of the considerable number of veterans and the ongoing nature of hostilities, these programmes are inadequate. It is thus imperative to expand and scale them up nationally in order to guarantee effective reintegration.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Nestulia, Poltava University of Economics and Trade

Ph.D. Candidate


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How to Cite

Nestulia, O. (2024). Reintegration of war veterans into peaceful life in Ukraine: current state and future challenges. Economics and Region, (4(95), 89–96.

