Priority directions of Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in industry

Keywords: Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation, industry, investments, joint projects


The article argues the priority areas of Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in the industrial sphere. It has been established that a large number of documents on further cooperation have been developed between Ukraine and China, but the effectiveness of their implementation is extremely low. The main priorities in the development of Chinese and Ukrainian industry have been identified. It is established that the main priorities for the development of Chinese industry include: development of new information technologies; production of numerical control tools and robotics; production of space and aviation products; production of marine equipment and construction of high-tech ships; production of advanced railway transport equipment; production of energy-saving and transport vehicles using alternative energy sources; production of environmentally friendly energy equipment; production of agricultural machinery; development of new materials; development of biological medicine and high-tech medical devices. It is determined that among the priority areas of Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in the industrial sphere may be: agro-industrial complex; machine-building complex; transport infrastructure; processing industry, etc. It is shown that the main interest of Chinese investors is in the field of complex implementation of infrastructure projects (construction sphere) and agriculture. Mechanisms for attracting Chinese investments in priority areas of Ukrainian industry are considered. It is established that China provides credits, usually for the purchase of equipment made in China, thus providing support to its industrial sector and significant volume of export goods. It is shown that Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in the industrial sphere has both advantages from the inflow of investments and threats from a possible targeted change in investments by investors.

Author Biographies

Vitalii Venger, State Organization “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher

Andrii Ramskyi, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Nataliia Romanovska, State Organization “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Maryna Chyzhevska, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Venger Vitalii Priority directions of ukrainian-chinese cooperation in industry / Vitalii Venger, Andrii Ramskyi, Nataliia Romanovska, Maryna Chyzhevska // Science Journal «Economics and Region». – Poltava: PNTU, 2022. – VOL. (1(84). – PP. 34-40. – doi:

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