• А. Kapiton
  • R. Talybov
  • O. Dziuban
  • B. Kanivets
Keywords: network, service, internet, protocol, control, session, quality of service, user interface


The rapid development and spread of information and communication technologies is taking on the character of a global information revolution today. Users have a need for communication services that can be flexibly configured. Next Generation Networks (NGN) - the modern stage of development of telecommunication networks (TCN) - represent a single transport platform on the basis of which various types of services are combined. One of the main aspects that should be taken into account when designing NGN is the provision of appropriate quality of service. With the introduction of multi-service networks, the approach to the task of service level based on the requirements of the users themselves for the quality of services becomes predominant, which requires the improvement of methods of managing the quality of services in TCN. The analysis of the works of domestic and foreign scientists regarding service quality management in TCN indicates the need to improve service quality management methods. It should be noted that in the works on the quality management of telecommunication services (TCS), attention is mainly paid to the technical indicators of the quality of services, while the development of effective methods of taking into account the user's opinion in managing the quality of services is currently relevant. The existing subjective methods of assessing the quality of TCS take into account the quality of the transmitted media information based on expert assessments, but do not provide a full assessment of the quality of the service by the user. The ITU-T recommendations describe different points of view on the quality of service, but do not provide specific methods for evaluating and managing the quality of TCS taking into account the opinion of the user. It is the unsolved task of comprehensive assessment of the quality of services in next-generation TCN that determined the purpose of this work.


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How to Cite
KapitonА. Analysis of methods for determining the quality of functioning of telecommunication systems / KapitonА., R. Talybov, O. Dziuban, B. Kanivets // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. 4 (74). – PP. 156-159. – doi:
Communication, telecommunications and radio engineering