• V. G. Zdanovskiy
  • V. V. Kovalenko
  • V. A. Glyva
Keywords: electromagnetic safety, electromagnetic compatibility, criterion, shielding.


For the development and implementation of measures to improve electromagnetic safety and electromagnetic compatibility of technical means аre necessary algorithmization of the process identifying critical sources of electromagnetic fields. Thus it’s possible speed up the process and reduce their cost.This is especially important to identify all sources of electromagnetic effects on critical infrastructure where electromagnetic security and electromagnetic compatibility of the equipment united by a two-pronged task.


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How to Cite
Zdanovskiy V.G. Criterial approach to the assessment of electromagnetic load on the production environment / V.G. Zdanovskiy, V.V. Kovalenko, V.A. Glyva // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2017. – VOL. 3 (43). – PP. 18-20. – Available at: (Accessed: 03.07.2024).