• Yelyzaveta Malovichko
  • Vyacheslav Kharchenko
Keywords: augmented reality, art, scenarios, emotional state, abstract paintings, technologies


Motivation. The development of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies creates new possibilities for art that can change the perception and interaction of viewers. This becomes relevant in today's world, where digital technologies are becoming more and more common and accessible. Interactive art is an important and promising direction of modernity, as it allows viewers to participate actively in the creative process. The number of interactive art exhibitions is largely dominated by paintings of an abstract nature. The challenge is how to help create art that can change and adapt to the emotional state of the user, thereby creating a more personal connection between the art and the viewer, as well as engaging a wider audience. The results of the study can be useful for artists who create interactive exhibitions, as well as for researchers who are interested in the interaction of people and art. The goal of the research is to create and analyze scenarios of viewers' interaction with abstract paintings using augmented reality based on the emotional state of a person and consider which elements of the picture are perceived by the audience as the most important. Stages of research. The article analyzes various scenarios of audience interaction with paintings, offers methods for determining the emotional state of a person, analyzes the obtained data, and draws conclusions. Conclusions. The article presents and analyzes scenarios using AR augmented reality based on a person's emotional state. The most optimal methods of determining a person's emotional state are discussed. Conducted research among participants and presented generalized evaluations according to the selected criteria. The framework of the application consists of the Vue.js framework and the MindAR library. The server part is written in Node.js. But the object-relational system PostgreSQL was chosen as the database. The direction of further research. Future steps can be devoted to analysis and data collection, which will help art developers to create more effective scenarios that will be able to evoke the desired emotional reactions from viewers in interactive art.


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How to Cite
Malovichko Yelyzaveta Ar interactive art: scenarios by emotional state / Yelyzaveta Malovichko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. 2 (72). – PP. 125-130. – doi: