• V. Yareshchenko
  • V. Kosenko
Keywords: Gray code, switching activity, hypergraph, non-volatile memory


The problem of reducing power dissipation in global interconnection lines while maintaining high performance is considered in the paper. High switching activity leads to significant communication losses due to communication capacitances between long lines. New byte-addressed non-volatile memory technologies, such as phase change memory, enable systems with large persistent memory, improving reliability and potentially reducing power consumption. However, these technologies only support a limited number of write operations over the lifetime per cell, and consume most of their power when the state of a bit changes during a write. Low power coding techniques are required to reduce switching activity during device-to-device or on-chip communications. The purpose of the article is to develop a method for constructing a set of unit distance codes, analyzing their characteristics and choosing codes that satisfy the given properties. The address bus coding methods with the least switching activity are considered. To reduce dynamic energy losses in the address bus and minimize communication losses between closely spaced lines, Gray code is used, which has a number of disadvantages. Conclusions. The type of codes that have the same properties as Gray codes, i.e. unit distance codes, is determined. A method for constructing a set of unit distance codes, analyzing their characteristics, and choosing codes that satisfy the given properties has been developed. By using the entire set of codes, developers have more choices than using only Gray codes, and this leads to better results.


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How to Cite
Yareshchenko V. Сoding to reduce the energy of data movement / V. Yareshchenko, V. Kosenko // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. 1 (71). – PP. 159-162. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/SUNZ.2023.1.159.