• L. Sakovych
  • S. Gnatiuk
  • S. Voloshko
  • Yu. Miroshnichenko
Keywords: diagnostic algorithm, many source object, average recovery time


Without regard to the swift increase of reliability of element base of modern special communication means actual is a question of providing of their a fitness is to repair, of value of indexes of that regulated by leading documents. Considerable time of permanent repair of special communication means occupies the search of defective elements, that is why important enough improvement of the diagnostic providing. It is arrived at by the use of effective algorithms of searching activity of masters that abbreviate the necessary amount of verifications of the damaged apparatus. It is set that to 30 percent of refuses of special communication means conditioned by disrepairs their sources of secondary power supply, that behave to the class of many source objects. In the article with drawing on modern accomplishments of technical diagnostics and metrology, that was not taken into account before, research possible variants of construction of conditional diagnostic algorithms. Also research their indexes of quality dependin g on the structural features of object of diagnosticating and the brought results over of comparison. The terms of repressing choice of algorithms of search of defects are set on the criterion of a minimum of mean time of renewal, the order of decision of this task is formalized. The got results it is expedient to draw on during development of the diagnostic providing of perspective special communication means, and also and at the improvement of existing. Thus, taken off part of limitations that is used in the known methodologies, that allows to promote efficiency scientifically reasonable practically implemented recommendations in relation to time of proceeding in special communication means at the refuse of their sources of secondary power supply


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How to Cite
Sakovych L. Research of conditional diagnostic algorithms many source objects / L. Sakovych, S. Gnatiuk, S. Voloshko, Yu. Miroshnichenko // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2021. – VOL. 3 (65). – PP. 139-142. – doi:
Communication, telecommunications and radio engineering