• A. Maslov
  • O. Dzuban
  • T. M. Derkach
  • T. A. Dmytrenko
Keywords: JavaScript, HTML, JSON, REST, Ajax, browser, application, repository data base


The problem of using hypertext markup language HTML5 and cascade style sheets CSS3 while developing the visual interface of applications in development framework based on programming language JavaScript was studied. The performance features of main components of application infrastructure were analyzed. JSON format usage and influence on application operation of such elements as repository data base, WEB-services, server and client side portion of application and content delivery network were investigated. The main criteria of development socially minded applications with attractive visual interface on JavaScript and HTML5 were defined. The analysis of operational aspects of JavaScript programming language and its usage while developing visual interface of applications and its further promotion in the world of hardware and software was carried out. The research result is the information system development for courier delivery


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How to Cite
Maslov A. Operational aspects of web-applications development based on javascript framework / A. Maslov, O. Dzuban, T.M. Derkach, T.A. Dmytrenko // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2021. – VOL. 3 (65). – PP. 96-98. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/SUNZ.2021.3.096.