• S. Indyk
  • V. Lysechko
Keywords: multiple access interference, video pulse, pulse duration, pulse repetition period, cross-correlation function


The purpose of the article. Development of a new method of permutation of time intervals, which will increase the volume of ensembles taking into account the values of the level of multiple access interference An urgent task is to develop new methods of permutation of intervals taking into account the intercorrelation properties of each segment. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new method of permutation of time intervals, which will increase the volume of ensembles, taking into account the values of the level of interference to multiple access. The developed method is based on the application of intercorrelation properties of time intervals by step-by-step search. The time intervals of the code sequences of video pulses with low interaction in the time domain are subject to correlation analysis. In the developed method of permutations, the time intervals of sequences of equidistant pulses of variable length were searched, taking into account the intercorrelation properties of the segments, so it is possible to distribute the pulses so that the interaction between signals in the time domain is minimal, which in turn leads to minimal interaction between signals and therefore significantly reduce the impact of multiple access interference. Conclusions. The use of the proposed method of permutation of intervals taking into account the intercorrelation properties of each segment allows to minimize the interaction between the signals in the time domain. The consequence is a significant reduction in the level of multiple access interference, which significantly increases the number of signal ensembles with satisfactory intercorrelation properties and makes it possible to use them in existing radio communication systems


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How to Cite
Indyk S. Method of permutation of intervals, taking into accountant correlation properties of segments / S. Indyk, V. Lysechko // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2020. – VOL. 3 (61). – PP. 128-130. – doi:
Communication, telecommunications and radio engineering