• A. Zinchenko
  • R. Pikul
  • K. Zinchenko
  • K. Liubarchuk
  • E. Yusukhno
  • A. Maksymenko
  • Yu. Sokol
  • Yu. Rindin
Keywords: communication system assessment, efficiency, noise immunity, communication system for special purposes


The most characteristic features of building military communications systems are a high degree of a priori uncertainty regarding the operational situation and a small amount of input data for communications planning. In such circumstances, it is important to choose the right apparatus for evaluating managerial decisions that will allow officials of the governing bodies of the communication system to be confident in the correctness of the decisions made. Making a decision to build a communication system at any level, as a rule, includes determining the purpose of its functioning, selecting indicators and substantiating assessment criteria, synthesizing alternative structures and finding a rational option for deploying a communication system. The practice of the combat use of communication units and subunits has convincingly shown that in theory and practice of organization of communication there is a need to improve the scientific and methodological apparatus, which will correspond to modern conditions for the functioning of control systems and provide a more adequate assessment of the effectiveness of communication systems, are unfolding. In this article, the authors proposed a methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of a special-purpose communication system. The proposed approach is based on the use of the accessibility indicator of a special-purpose communication system the first time. In the course of this study, the authors used the basic principles of communication theory, the theory of noise immunity and security protection. The novelty of the proposed methodological approach, in contrast to the existing ones, is that a special-purpose communication system is evaluated by a generalized indicator of the availability of channel and network resources of a special-purpose communication system, which is a convolution of particular indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of a special-purpose communication system. The practical significance of the proposed methodological approach lies in the fact that the proposed approach allows us to evaluate the communication system by more private indicators, to determine measures for the deployment of the communication system and to develop measures to increase the efficiency of the special-purpose communication system


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How to Cite
Zinchenko A. Special purpose communication system methodological approach / A. Zinchenko, R. Pikul, K. Zinchenko, K. Liubarchuk, E. Yusukhno, A. Maksymenko, Yu. Sokol, Yu. Rindin // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2020. – VOL. 1 (59). – PP. 132-136. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/SUNZ.2020.1.132.
Communication and Radiolocation