• M. K. Borozdin
  • S. S. Nepochatov
  • N. O. Primachenko
Keywords: alternating current, direct current, electrical engineering complex


The article describes the electrical complex of a modern electric drilling rig. The structure of electrical complexes is caused by a wide range of requirements for the drilling depth, purpose and operating conditions of the drilling rig. The issue of the direct use of the engine, namely, the conversion of various types of energy into mechanical energy, is also considered. Today, in leading industries, the ratio of the installed capacity of electric drives to the total installed capacity of drives with engines of all types (Thermal, hydraulic, pneumatic) is approaching 100%. This is determined by the fact that electric motors are manufactured for various capacities (from hundredths of a watt to tens of thousands of kilowatts) and rotational speeds


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How to Cite
Borozdin M.K. Improvement of drilling rig electrical equipment / M.K. Borozdin, S.S. Nepochatov, N.O. Primachenko // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2020. – VOL. 1 (59). – PP. 12-14. – doi: